Ms. Sameera Saurabh, Economic Advisor, Ministry of MSME visited yesterday (19th August 2022) Urnati Jute Crafts Cluster, Gop, Puri amidst great deal of
excitement and celebration by the cluster beneficiaries.
Urnati Jute Crafts Cluster, established under the flagship
scheme of Ministry of MSME – SFURTI, has everything to
its credit that a Rural Cluster should have. In a way, it
illustrates and justifies a great and innovative scheme, that SFURTI is.
Away from the hustle and bustle of an urban set up, the cluster CFC is located in a small village known as Erabanga, dotted with small hamlets. Although accessible by road, it has all the elements, which make it a difficult ride during monsoon. Ms. Sameera witnessed and observed the same during her drive to this little hamlet.
Away from the hustle and bustle of an urban set up, the cluster CFC is located in a small village known as Erabanga, dotted with small hamlets. Although accessible by road, it has all the elements, which make it a difficult ride during monsoon. Ms. Sameera witnessed and observed the same during her drive to this little hamlet.

However, the
disadvantage ends
there. The cluster is
surrounded by
extremely talented
and enthusiastic women beneficiaries – young and
old – who made their pleasures and happiness as well
as expectations abundantly known, eagerly and
patiently waiting till evening for the visit of Ms. Sameera to the cluster.
Dressed in their immaculate sarees and dress materials, young girls and elderly ladies excelled in their respective roles assigned to them by the extremely efficient and competent Cluster Development Executive (CDE), Ms. Sabita Nayak. Right from the beginning of traditional welcome to cultural programme to inspection of product basket to demonstration of skills of girls on machines to the interaction of beneficiaries, there was excitement and mood of celebration.
Dressed in their immaculate sarees and dress materials, young girls and elderly ladies excelled in their respective roles assigned to them by the extremely efficient and competent Cluster Development Executive (CDE), Ms. Sabita Nayak. Right from the beginning of traditional welcome to cultural programme to inspection of product basket to demonstration of skills of girls on machines to the interaction of beneficiaries, there was excitement and mood of celebration.
This was acknowledged by Madam Sameera, in her addressed to the beneficiaries, who
expressed her happiness to see a cluster full of activity and future promise. She extended
her full support to the convergence possibilities for the cluster through relevant schemes
and programmes of Government of India.
In his address, Shi Samarendra Sahu, Advisor KIIT-TBI, recollected the challenges faced by the cluster to bring it to the present shape and expressed his confidence that the cluster has all potentialities to surge ahead, with the able leadership of the Trio – Sabita Nayak, the production brain, Santosh Swain, the marketing brain and Sudarshan Parida, the, technology brain. He also expressed his sincere desire to develop the cluster into an eco-tourism and cultural hub with its inherent advantages of talented girls and women folks, who are the beneficiaries, with their multifaceted talents – skills for manufacture of innovative jute products and ornaments, culturally rich endowments, evidenced by display of dance and song sequences and above all culinary skills, evidenced by serving of delicious foods.
In his address, Shi Samarendra Sahu, Advisor KIIT-TBI, recollected the challenges faced by the cluster to bring it to the present shape and expressed his confidence that the cluster has all potentialities to surge ahead, with the able leadership of the Trio – Sabita Nayak, the production brain, Santosh Swain, the marketing brain and Sudarshan Parida, the, technology brain. He also expressed his sincere desire to develop the cluster into an eco-tourism and cultural hub with its inherent advantages of talented girls and women folks, who are the beneficiaries, with their multifaceted talents – skills for manufacture of innovative jute products and ornaments, culturally rich endowments, evidenced by display of dance and song sequences and above all culinary skills, evidenced by serving of delicious foods.