A team of professionals of KIIT TBI – Anshik Hota, Senior Manager Cluster Net-work, Chinmaya Ranjan Kumar, Manager Cluster Network, and Subhasmita Sahoo, Young Professional- are visiting Bargarh since the 9th of February to undertake a field survey for setting up of a Handloom Cluster at Jhiliminda village of Attabira block.
After interaction with various stakeholders such as weavers, master weavers, National level awardees, traders, Govt. officers; GM-DIC, and Deputy Director Textiles (DDT) the team met Madam Monisha Banerjee yesterday evening to exchange views on the proposed cluster’s establishment.
The meeting which started in the evening at 6.30 pm was also attended online by Shri Samarendra Sahu, Advisor KIIT TBI along with his other team members – Debashis Tripathy- Senior Manager Cluster Network, Sunil Kumar Jena- Manager Cluster Network, Manoranjan Maharana – Cluster Network Associate and Niharika Purohit- Young Professional.
In welcoming the officials of KIIT-TBI, madam Monisha expressed her happiness over the KIIT-TBI, working as the Technical Agency for the proposed Handloom Cluster at hiliminda village. She thanked the Advisor of KIIT TBI Sri Samarendra Sahu for sending a talented team of engineers and management professionals for the extensive field survey undertaken by the team.
Shri Sahu mentioned that KIIT-TBI has been working for Bargarh’s Handloom DPR for quite some time with secondary research and interaction with various stakeholders through meetings, and offline and online connections and the DPR is at an advanced stage of completion. However, it was thought appropriate to go for vetting of the draft DPR at the field level. He mentioned that the DPR would be uploaded to Ministry’s portal soon once the mandatory verification of the beneficiary list is completed by MSME-DFO, Cuttack.
Shri Sahu mentioned that ALEAP (Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India), a national level Voluntary Organization with extensive experience in setting up industrial parks for women in different states, would be the Implementing Agency bringing into its fold enough experience, expertise, and resources for successful implementation of the cluster. The cluster is in good hands with professional institutions like KIIT-TBI, Bhubaneswar (Technical Agency), and PPDC, Meerut (Nodal Agency).
He promised that the cluster would be functional in record time once it is approved by the Scheme Steering Committee Ministry of MSME.
Madam Banerjee, Collector, and DM expressed her satisfaction that the cluster is in safe hands and offered all possible help to ensure the successful completion of the cluster. She invited KIIT-TBI to participate in a handloom summit to be organized at Bargarh in the month of March.
The Collector and DM also recommended Advisor, TBI set up an Agro-Processing Cluster in Bargarh district which has huge potential in the district. Advisor KIIT-TBI agreed with the proposal and the team will conduct a field survey to assess the feasibility of the cluster and ultimately, its execution.