Key Stakeholders meet ignites interest among MSMEs to embrace MSME Competitive (LEAN) Scheme

KIIT Technology Business Incubator (KIIT-TBI) has taken a significant step towards enhancing the competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by the MSME Competitive (Lean) Scheme (MCLS). Being empaneled as a LEAN consultant organization, KIIT-TBI is working in close collaboration with the National Productivity Council (NPC) with an aim to empower MSMEs through the implementation of lean manufacturing practices.

After the successful lean awareness programme on 21st July at Bhubaneswar, 2024, KIIT-TBI is stepping into the next stage of implementation. In this regard, a meeting was conducted on 29th Aug, 2024 at KIIT-TBI in presence of Sh. Samarendra Sahu, Advisor – KIIT-TBI and team, Mr. Shyama Prasad – representative of NPC, lean experts from various eminent institutions namely; Dr. D.P Sahoo from Sri Sri University, Dr. Sushant Tripathi, Dr. Brajaballav Kar and Dr. Deepak Singhal from KIIT deemed to be University and some progressive MSMEs from diverse sectors. The MSME units which participated were; Shree Traders, CEDRA Filtration, M/S Amrut Foundation, Brothers Equipment & Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Shoukeen Industries, JBS Industries and H2M Dhono Foundation.

The meeting kicked off with a round table discussion on “Concept of LEAN, its modalities and the roadmap for successful implementation”, where MSME owners raised their queries and challenges regarding the adoption of lean tools and techniques. Mr. Shyama Prasad from NPC, along with the lean experts, provided insights into various lean tools that can be effectively applied to streamline operations, reduce waste, inventory management, managing profit margin and enhance productivity in MSMEs. Post that, the MSME owners were felicitated by Shri Samarendra Sahu, Advisor, KIIT-TBI with the LEAN Pledge certificates. In his address Sh. Sahu emphasized the critical role that lean practices play in the sustainable growth and global competitiveness of MSMEs. He also acknowledged the collaborative effort among KIIT-TBI, NPC, and the lean experts in driving this initiative forward.

It is envisaged to create a significant impact on MSME sector with the continued support from lean experts and institution like NPC. The MSME units participated, can be the role model for other MSME units of the region by being the pioneering bodies for this initiative. Moreover, this scheme will be a pivotal step in KIIT-TBI’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the MSME sector.


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